Join us as we search for the Best Fajitas in America
History of Fajitas
The fajita as we know it wasn’t always the sizzling dish we get served at a restaurant. In fact, the earliest mention of the fajita is of it being associated with cowboys that worked in the southern and western regions of Texas in the early 1930s.
What Is a Fajita?
The term fajitas comes from the Spanish word faja for skirt, belt or girdle, and fajita is just the diminutive form of the word.
The skirt steak is a long strip of meat, about 18 inches long and an inch or so thick, that is found beneath the heart and lungs of the cow. The skirts operate as diaphragm muscles and flank muscles, thus the term fajita — or “little belt” — is an apt description of the meat.

Where do you find the best fajitas?
Settling on the best fajita restaurants in America is a daunting task to say the least.
Our team of fajita experts have scoured the web for the Best Fajitas in the 50 largest cities in the United States.
They used Yelp and Google reviews to identify the TOP three fajita restaurants in each metropolitan area.
How do you pick the best?
Once identified, we twisted the arms of our fajita experts to review each of the three restaurants on the following criteria:

Online Customer Reviews

Steak Flavor & Tenderness


Who has the best Fajitas in Kansas City?
We recently sent our team to Kansas City to review three local favorites: Mi Ranchito, Jose Peppers, and Fajita Pete’s.
Click below to see which restaurant came out on top.

Who are we missing?
We are always on the hunt for the best fajitas in America. Submit your hometown favorite fajita restaurant below. If we get enough votes, we’ll send out our reviewers to sample the goods.
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